Register by Mail
RSVP - Deadline May 14th, 2018
Call Andrea (305) 216-2461 for full table rsvp’s
Mail the form below with your check made out to:
SFTR - P.O. Box 924946 - Princeton, Fl. 33092
RSVP - Deadline May 14th, 2018
Call Andrea (305) 216-2461 for full table rsvp’s
Mail the form below with your check made out to:
SFTR - P.O. Box 924946 - Princeton, Fl. 33092
Name ______________________________________________________________________ Telephone ______________
No. of dinners $35 - Flank Steak _____ Chicken Scallopini ______
Amount enclosed $ ___________ Child’s meal $15 ______
Name ______________________________________________________________________ Telephone ______________
No. of dinners $35 - Flank Steak _____ Chicken Scallopini ______
Amount enclosed $ ___________ Child’s meal $15 ______