Virginia Key Beach Ride
Saturday May 11 2019.
Registration is temporarily CLOSED.
Note: Registration for this second Beach Ride (May 11) be re-open April 28.
We closed the May 11 Beach Ride registration temporarily. We will re-open this registration April 28 (after the first beach ride).
If ou are confirmed for the MAY 11 beach ride. Please do not go to the April ride or you will be turned away,
unless you have a confirmation for April. You will get another email closer to the ride with more info.
SFTR Board of Directors
We closed the May 11 Beach Ride registration temporarily. We will re-open this registration April 28 (after the first beach ride).
If ou are confirmed for the MAY 11 beach ride. Please do not go to the April ride or you will be turned away,
unless you have a confirmation for April. You will get another email closer to the ride with more info.
SFTR Board of Directors